AGB Ticketshop

  • 1. Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions shall apply in the version valid at the time of the order (“GTC”) to all contracts, orders and inquiries regarding the procurement of tickets between you (“you” or “Customer”) and egocentric Systems GmbH (“egocentric Systems”). Deviating contractual terms and conditions of the customer shall not be recognized unless egocentric Systems expressly agrees to their validity in writing. egocentric Systems GmbH has its registered office at Herweghstraße 4, 01157 Dresden and is represented by its managing director Sven Müller. Registered in the commercial register of Dresden Local Court under HRB 25572.

  • 2. Contracting parties

As a commercial agent, egocentric Systems arranges tickets for leisure events organized by third parties in the name and for the account of the respective organizer. egocentric Systems is not an organizer and does not offer any events itself, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

By ordering tickets, the customer commissions egocentric Systems to conclude a contract with the customer in the name and for the account of the respective event organizer, the subject of which is the dispatch of the tickets to the customer.

The purchase of tickets only creates a legal relationship between the customer and the respective organizer with regard to attending the event. The customer can see who the organizer is during the ordering process and can also contact egocentric Systems by e-mail at The events are carried out by the respective organizers on their own responsibility. The respective organizer is therefore also solely and exclusively responsible for the provision and performance of the respective event. It is possible that an organizer may use its own general terms and conditions with regard to the relationship between the customer and the organizer due to the purchase of tickets relating to the event, which the customer may have to observe. In particular, the respective organizer may make access to and attendance at the event dependent on the customer’s prior acceptance of its General Terms and Conditions.

  • 3. Conclusion of contract

The customer is guided through the ordering process on the website. By clicking on the “Order with obligation to pay” button at the end of the ordering process, the customer submits a binding offer to conclude a contract for the purchase of the selected tickets. Before submitting the order, the customer can check their details at any time and correct them if necessary. Before submitting the order, the customer must check the box provided for this purpose to agree to the GTC. Orders can neither be changed nor withdrawn at a later date.

The organizer accepts the customer’s offer by sending him an e-mail in response to his order, stating a customer and transaction number. This e-mail will only be sent if and insofar as the desired order can be executed as requested. Only with this e-mail, with which the organizer accepts the customer’s offer, does the contract between the organizer and the customer come into effect.

If problems occur during the ordering process, the customer can contact our customer service at any time by e-mail at

  • 4. Payment terms and due date

All prices quoted for tickets are gross prices, i.e. they include the applicable statutory VAT. During the ordering process, any shipping and handling costs and other fees that may be incurred are clearly indicated to the customer.

In? Depending on the respective organizer and the technical availability, the customer has various payment options. As a rule, the following payment methods are available to the customer: Credit card (Visa, Mastercard), instant bank transfer, PayPal and direct debit.

The respective total price including all costs and fees is due for payment immediately upon submission of the customer’s order. If the customer uses an external payment service provider for this purpose, the customer may be directed to an external page of the payment service provider as part of the ordering process. If a payment is not made or not made on time due to incorrect information, insufficient funds in the account or other reasons for which the customer is responsible, egocentric Systems shall be entitled to charge the customer for any additional costs incurred as a result.

  • 5. Shipping and print-at-home

If the tickets are available and the customer has paid the full purchase price for all tickets ordered, the tickets will be sent to the customer by standard letter within 7 working days of conclusion of the contract. The tickets will be sent at the customer’s expense and risk.

egocentric Systems offers the customer the option of printing out the purchased tickets on its own printer immediately after conclusion of the contract and payment of the tickets. The customer shall be responsible for providing the necessary software and hardware for printing the tickets. The customer receives the tickets in an e-mail including the corresponding invoice. These tickets must be printed out independently before the event. Holding the tickets on a smartphone is not sufficient. The customer assures to print out each of his tickets only once or to destroy any multiple printouts. Each ticket will be scanned before admission to the event. If it is discovered that the respective ticket has been printed out more than once and is therefore in circulation more than once, the customer shall be liable for any damages incurred.

The customer is obliged to check his tickets immediately upon receipt for correctness, in particular with regard to the event (name, location, date, time), number of tickets, price, category and specific seats. Complaints about incorrect tickets must be made immediately upon receipt of the shipment. Complaints should be sent to egocentric Systems (egocentric Systems GmbH, Ticketing, Herweghstr. 4, 01157 Dresden Germany, e-mail:

If the postal item has not been delivered within 7 working days of the order, the customer must contact egocentric Systems by e-mail at In the event of an incorrect delivery, a new ticket can only be sent after receipt of the return of the ticket originally sent to the customer.

  • 6. Return, loss of tickets and postponement of the event

In principle, there is no entitlement to the return or redemption of tickets outside of legal obligations. Tickets will only be taken back by the organizer if the event is cancelled. If an event is postponed or rescheduled, the tickets purchased shall generally remain valid. In such cases, however, the customer is entitled to return his tickets to the organizer in good time before the start of the rescheduled event. To take back booked tickets, the customer must return them to egocentric Systems GmbH, Ticketing, Herweghstr. 4, 01157 Dresden, Germany. The customer concerned shall receive either the ticket price paid or a voucher to the value of the corresponding ticket price for redemption in the organizer’s ticket store upon presentation of the ticket or return of the ticket to the organizer at his own expense and risk; service and shipping fees shall not be reimbursed.

egocentric Systems will not replace lost or destroyed tickets.

  • 7. Cancellation of the event or changes to the event location or time

egocentric Systems is not a contracting party with regard to the realization of the event for which the customer has booked his tickets. It is therefore the sole responsibility of the organizer to cancel events or to postpone or relocate them. In this respect, egocentric Systems is under no obligation to inform the customer of a cancellation or postponement.

In addition, egocentric Systems does not check the information provided by the organizer on the individual events, in particular the location, date and time. In this respect, a guarantee for the correctness of the information published by egocentric Systems shall only be assumed within the scope of liability in accordance with Section IX.

The customer is obliged to obtain information about the respective event from the organizer, its website or the daily press in good time, but at the latest on the day of the event

  • 8. Ban on the resale of tickets

egocentric Systems sells the tickets exclusively to end customers. The customer is prohibited from reselling the tickets commercially. egocentric Systems and the respective organizers reserve the right to block the tickets concerned in the event of violations of the ban on resale and to deny the ticket holder access to the event venue without compensation or to expel him/her from the event venue. It should be noted that the barcode on the tickets can only be read once. If a ticket is passed on privately for non-commercial reasons, in particular in individual cases in the event of illness or other prevention of the customer, the new ticket holder must be expressly informed of the validity and content of these GTC. A transfer is only permitted to this extent if the new ticket holder agrees to the validity of these GTC between him and egocentric Systems.

  • 9. Notes on attending the event

As a precautionary measure, egocentric Systems points out that the respective organizer issues regulations for each ticket issued. In particular, the relationship between the customer and the organizer is regularly governed by the organizer’s own general terms and conditions. Any violation of these provisions or rules, including the house rules of the respective event venue, may entitle the organizer to exclude the customer from the event or the event venue.

As a precautionary measure, egocentric Systems points out that the organizer or third parties employed by the organizer may make photo, film and sound recordings during the event, and that the customer may be recorded as part of the audience in image, video and sound.

The respective organizer may also make admission to and attendance at the event dependent on the customer’s prior acceptance of its general terms and conditions.

Furthermore, it is pointed out that any hygiene measures or access requirements required by the organizer due to current regulations, in particular corona protection regulations, must be observed. The organizer will provide information about this on its homepage before the event. The customer is obliged to inform himself about this before the event.

Please note that an admission ticket regularly loses its validity when you leave the venue.

  • 10. Liability

egocentric Systems shall be liable for defects in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions.

egocentric Systems shall not be liable for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the event organizers on the egocentric Systems website. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to data and information about the time of the event, location, viewing options, program or cast.

All customer claims for damages are excluded. These foregoing and other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Business

However, limitations and exclusions of liability shall not apply to claims for damages by the customer arising from injury to life, body or health, from liability for other damages based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by egocentric Systems or an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of egocentric Systems, or to claims for damages by the customer arising from the breach of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). A material contractual obligation in the aforementioned sense is one whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the customer regularly relies and may rely. However, in the event of a slightly negligent breach of material contractual obligations, egocentric Systems’ liability shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage typical of the contract.

Liability under the Product Liability Act shall also remain unaffected.

  • 11. Right of withdrawal

Insofar as egocentric Systems or the respective organizer offers services in the area of leisure activities, in particular tickets for events, there is no right of withdrawal. The reason for this is that in the case of contracts for the provision of services in connection with leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period for the provision, there is no right of withdrawal (Section 312g (2) sentence 1 no. 9 BGB). Each order for tickets is therefore binding immediately after confirmation by egocentric Systems and obliges the customer to accept and pay for the tickets ordered.

  • 12. Data protection

egocentric Systems collects the customer’s personal data in the course of processing orders and, in particular, observes the provisions of the relevant data protection regulations and the German Telemedia Act. The data (in particular name, address, e-mail, telephone number, order data) shall be processed by automated means to the extent necessary for the establishment, organization, execution or amendment of the contractual relationship. egocentric Systems transmits this data to third parties commissioned with the execution of the purchase contract, in particular to the organizer, insofar as this is necessary to execute and fulfill the concluded contracts.

  • 13. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction, place of performance

The legal relationship between egocentric Systems and the customer shall be governed by German law to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG, UN Sales Convention).

If the customer is a merchant, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship between the customer and egocentric Systems shall be the registered office of egocentric Systems in Dresden, Germany. In all other cases, egocentric Systems or the customer may bring an action before any court having jurisdiction by law.

If the customer is an entrepreneur, the sole place of performance for deliveries, services and payments shall be Dresden. In all other cases, the statutory provisions shall apply.

  • 14. Final provisions

These General Terms and Conditions shall remain binding in their remaining parts even if individual points are legally invalid. The invalid parts shall be replaced by the statutory provisions, if any. Insofar as this would represent an unreasonable hardship for one of the contracting parties, the contract as a whole shall become invalid.

These General Terms and Conditions come into force with immediate effect and replace all previous terms and conditions of egocentric Systems.

Status November, 2021