Musical director:
Stefan Pfeifer

The Deutschnofen music band experiences the extraordinary atmosphere at our festival for the first time. It was founded in 1868 with 30 music-loving men. Today, the association has 66 active members, including six marching bands and an ensign.
34 male and 25 female musicians share the stage and try to get the best out of every concert. In the beginning it was the older generation that was in charge, but in recent years the band has enjoyed the great popularity of many young musicians, who bring new vigour and ensure the future existence of the band. The oldest member is Johann Fäckl at the age of 79, of which he has been an active member of the association for 67 years and is still full of vigour.
The Deutschnofen band has always taken part in various competitions and has always been successful. At the last marching music evaluation in 2016, 86.88 out of a possible 100 points were achieved. Concerts abroad are played time and again, e.g. in Burghausen, Vienna, Bled (SLO), Dachau and Munich, and now the band will be taking part in the European Brass Music Festival in Aue-Bad Schlema.

In the first decades until 1894, the musicians wore the local peasant costume. This was a uniform peasant costume in terms of fabric, colour and cut. After that, brown hats with capercaillie feathers and ‘mountain plums’ were added and in 1898 grey hats with cock feathers, capercaillie tufts and red ‘Dauernelken’.
In 1909, the band dressed in fire brigade uniform. In 1932, the fascist uniform was imposed on the band, which was worn until the 1939 option. The band then performed in civilian clothes until 1944.
After the war in 1946, a uniform solution was again sought and brown hats with a green ribbon were chosen. A year later, brown shooting caps and brown trousers were added. At Corpus Christi in 1952, the musicians appeared in red bodices, green braces, a red scarf and a yellow hat with a red carnation. This costume is ultimately the basis for the current costume of the Deutschnofen music band.